
Round Table Discussion for International Schools

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Emergency Preparedness Round Table

Planning Prevents Future Disruptions

April 13th – 13:00 to 14:00 CET 

The Pandemic caught everyone unprepared and has highlighted the importance to have an emergency plan. As we return students to classrooms around the world let us be prepared for any kind of emergency or crisis that schools may face.
In order to be properly prepared, a school should follow the 7 steps in Emergency Planning Management. 
Join our discussion with the former federal law enforcement agent and CEO of Clearpath EPM Mike Johnson. He will guide all participants through these steps to be prepared for the future and help schools avoid possible disruption. 
This Round Table session will be limited to a maximum of 8 schools. Please register below if you intend to join.
This event is free of charge.

Kevin Lloyd

CCO- Together School

Mike Johnson Grey Scale

Michael Johnson

CEO - Clearpath epm